How to be Intentional in Your Marriage
Great marriages don’t just happen. They require you to be all in and intentional with each other. Having a strong marriage involves choosing each other every day. You have to decide to put in the effort for each other.
Here are 4 things that I think are important if you want to be intentional in your marriage:
Make your spouse a priority. As you go through your marriage, the stress and pressures of life will creep in and overwhelm you. If you aren’t careful, your spouse can go from being the most important person in your life to a line on your to-do list. It can cause anger or resentment if they start to feel ignored or unimportant. Stop this from happening by making your spouse a priority above all else. Don’t make them take a backseat to things like your career or children.
Date your spouse and spend quality time with them. After marriage, most couples stop spending quality alone time together. Dating was initially what made you connect and fall in love, so why would you stop doing it? Take 10-20 minutes every day to put your phone down and actually talk to each other. Talk about your day, things you’ve dealt with during the week, or even pray/do a devotional together. Some couples follow the 2-2-2 rule for date nights. Every two weeks you have a date night, every two months you have a night away, and every two years you go on a vacation alone.
Love your spouse in their love language. Our love language is the way we receive and express love. If you want your spouse to feel loved, you need to show love to them in THEIR love language. The five languages are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. To learn more about love languages and find yours, go to
Make time for sexy time. Sexual intimacy is important in your marriage. It’s a way for you to connect and show love to each other. Busy schedules, jobs, and children can make it hard to prioritize intimacy. Sometimes you have to turn down a night out with friends or send the kids to their grandparents house so you can have intimate time with each other.
Now it’s time to take action! Sit down with your spouse and talk about ways you can improve your marriage. What are some things you can implement so you can be intentional with each other?